Mastodon Online Nachhilfe Chemistry, Maths, Science, Computers. TW3 3rs B.Sc., B.Ed., PGDCA., Science : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Science

Suche: Science   (1 Ergebnis)   


Nachhilfe Science GCSE, AS/A-Levels, Primary

ID 8192
aus TW3 3rs
Chemistry, Maths, Science, Computers.
B.Sc., B.Ed., PGDCA.
GCSE, AS/A-Levels, Primary
I am an experienced teacher of Science (First class graduate) with specialisation in Chemistry. Other subjects are Maths, physics, Science (GCSE) and Computer Science / Information Technology. I have taught in west London Schools and have sufficient 1-2-1 tutoring experience. I tell you chemistry of scoring grades in the examination. Solving previous years examination question papers is the ONLY way to gain motivation and confidence and the easiest way to grab GRADES (A /A*). First attempt to this should be at School / home rather than the examination hall. This is the point where most of the pupils make a mistake. They understand the subject matter involved but answer the questions in the examination hall. Remember the final drama will be rewarding only when there have been several rehersals & practice done. I provide these rehersals. THE PERIODIC TABLE, Structure of atom, Elements, Compounds & mixtures, Balancing Equations, atomic mass Unit (amu), the mole concept. Further progressing to topics like bonding, Oxidation & Reduction, Noble Gases, Halogens, Acids & bases, Bond Energies, Enthalphy Calculations, s/p/d/f block elements , Organic Chemistry- Alcohols, Aldehydes & Ketones, Transition metal chemistry......, and the list is endless.....
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