Mastodon Nachhilfe Mathematics, Physics, English 28010 Madrid, MBA (current, expected Graduation in May 2011)rnBBA (Graduated in + London, UK), Madrid Physics, Physics Nachhilfe in Madrid : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Physics Madrid

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 13660 Madrid in New York | 50156 Madrid in Iowa | 69150 Madrid in Nebraska | 97168 Madrid in Yucatán | 250030 Madrid in Cundinamarca | 250037 Madrid in Cundinamarca | 250038 Madrid in Cundinamarca | 22610 Madrid in San Martín | 28023 Madrid in Madrid | 28024 Madrid in Madrid | 28044 Madrid in Madrid | 28054 Madrid in Madrid | 28048 Madrid in Madrid | 28047 Madrid in Madrid | 28025 Madrid in Madrid | 28011 Madrid in Madrid | 28035 Madrid in Madrid | 28019 Madrid in Madrid | 28008 Madrid in Madrid | 28040 Madrid in Madrid
Suche: Physics in Madrid  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Madrid

Nachhilfe Physics Secondary and Pre-University

ID 33802
aus 28010 Madrid
Mathematics, Physics, English
MBA (current, expected Graduation in May 2011)rnBBA (Graduated in + London, UK)
Secondary and Pre-University
Hi Teaching is my passion. Teaching is a tool with which you transmit knowledge to another person and it is od high value, no matter at what level of education the teaching is done I am a 30 year old man doing my MBA in Madrid. I lived in London for the last 8 years, where I did my under graduation and worked as a Hotel Manager. I have considerable amount of teaching experience. I gave private tuitions in London and 10 years ago in India, my home country. In my last job, where I worked to launch a new hotel in London and build the team, I extensively involved myself in regular training and development of the team I am a very patient person and a good listener.
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ab ~11 €/h  info
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