Mastodon Nachhilfe General, Combined Science, Chemistry, Biology, Maths, Italian, French RH13 Southwater, BSc Hons in Biosciences,, Southwater French, French Nachhilfe in Southwater : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe French Southwater

Suche: French in Southwater  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Southwater

Nachhilfe French All levels, from beginners

ID 22824
aus RH13 Southwater
General, Combined Science, Chemistry, Biology, Maths, Italian, French
BSc Hons in Biosciences,
All levels, from beginners
I am 33 years old and I have diligently studied a BSc Hons in Biosciences at the University of Greenwich. I graduated in the summer 2006 and ever since I have been involved in teaching full-time. I worked as unqualified primary teacher and subsequently as unqualified science teacher (waiting to start a PGCE training) at local primary and secondary EBD schools. I was highly praised by my Headteacher for my teaching skills and he gave me the opportunity to teach science in years 6, 7, 8 and 9. I was also asked to prepare pupils for their science and maths SATs in year 6 and science (biology, physics and chemistry) SATs in year 9. I have received very positive feed-back from classroom observations. I have also received positive comments from my private tuition clients. My students find me friendly, enthusiastic, approachable and my explanations are clear and helpful. Italian is my mother tongue so I also tutor Italian. My language students' levels varies from beginners to PhD. I am happy in tutoring students of all ability, levels and age, tailoring each lesson to individual needs. This enables me to enjoy challenges and to thrive while working under pressure. Furthermore, I am currently involved in a volunteer program by spending 50 hours each month teaching English, French and Basic Skills to children and adults as an active member of a local Christian charity. I am an enthusiastic young teacher, hard working and diligent. I enjoy the satisfaction gained by helping students reaching success by means of education. Current valid CRB.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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