Mastodon Nachhilfe English, Maths, Science, Social Studies 60004 Chennai, B.Sc Computer Science, Chennai Maths, Maths Nachhilfe in Chennai : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Maths Chennai

Suche: Maths in Chennai  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Chennai

Nachhilfe Maths Upto 10th grade

ID 19547
aus 60004 Chennai
English, Maths, Science, Social Studies
B.Sc Computer Science
Upto 10th grade
Chennai > Tuitions & tutors Title: Very Best Talented Math Home-Tutor in Chennai for your Child Description: What to look for in a GREAT MATH TUTOR? I have talked to many parents who say finding a great math tutor is not easy. It would be easy if al you had to do was find someone who majored in math--in the Chennai Area, there are plenty of people with upper level math degrees. But it is not that simple. You also need someone who knows how to teach, and who knows how to relate to and generate rapport with young people. Math tutors must know how to teach math A math tutor must know how to explain math concepts in ways that students can understand. They need to know how to explain things in different ways, have the patience to revisit and practice topics, and know how to test students' understanding along the way. These are all critical factors that answer the question: "Sure she knows math, but can she teach?" Math tutors must relate to young people Another key factor, and perhaps most important of all factors, is the ability to generate rapport and relate to young people. If the tutor is very skilled in math and teaching, but students don't like him, then the tutoring will be far less effective. The tutor needs to be personable, needs to approach the issues in a positive way, provide positive feedback, and create an environment where it is safe to make mistakes. The tutor needs to mentor the student. This is the quality that is probably most important AND hardest to find. This is why once parents find a good math tutor, they hang on for dear life. Math tutors are hard to replace One of the things about tutoring that can be frustrating for parents is that they tend to do it for a while and then move on to something else--grad school, a new job in another area, etc. So parents are constantly on the lookout for a new tutor. This is why using a tutoring service can be a valuable time saver. Once you are comfortable with the types of tutors that a company hires, you can "order" a new tutor from that service when that tutor leaves. In fact, transitions can be simple and seamless. Just make sure you feel the company is responsive to your needs, and you can sail through your kids' school years with great tutors at your fingertips at all times. Just RELAX PARENTS!!!! The best International Standard TUTOR in Chennai is waiting for your call. He knows to solve your Child’s problems. Please feel free to call Mr. Dave You are: Teacher Level: primary school (1 to 7) Subject: english/mathermatics/science Locality: Velachheri Tution days: Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday/ Saturday/ Sunday
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