Mastodon Nachhilfe | Suche French 2000 Sydney, Master of International Business, : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe in French

ID 37570
aus 2000 Sydney
Master of International Business
French as a mother tongue
Bonjour ! I'm Charles, a 25 years old French guy in Australia since one year. I'm studying a Master of International Business at the Sydney Business School of the University of Wollongong rnI would love to help you to improve your French and the method will depend on your needs Talking lessons are probably the best way to learn the spelling, the pronunciation and the vocabulary of a language. It is as well the funniest way to learn, around a café for example Besides that, I can give French grammar lessons to understand our tricky language and its rules rnI am familiar with the TEF, DELF and DALF exam so I can provide you tips and sample questions to practice. I can correct your essays, explain the mistakes and translate whatever you need in French or English rnI'm here since 1 year and I got 7.0 at the IELTS test one year ago so my English is very good. In French, I have a very good level of writings, I know the grammar and I don't make mistakes rnI'm studying only two days a week at the University so I'm available everyday and live in the CBD A bientôt !
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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