Mastodon Nachhilfe Psychology, Neuroscience, Art, English, kids, Maths, kids Bath BA1 2UH, Distinction; 2.1 (Hons), AABB, 5A*,5A, Bath BA1 2UH Fine, Fine Nachhilfe in Bath BA1 2UH : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Fine Bath BA1 2UH

Suche: Fine in Bath BA1 2UH  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Bath BA1 2UH

Nachhilfe Psychology, Neuroscience, Art, English, ... MSc Neuroscience, Bsc Psychology, 4 A levels, 10 GCSEs

ID 33890
aus Bath BA1 2UH
Psychology, Neuroscience, Art, English, kids, Maths, kids
Distinction; 2.1 (Hons), AABB, 5A*,5A
MSc Neuroscience, Bsc Psychology, 4 A levels, 10 GCSEs
I am willing to move to your country temporarily if you need a full time tutor. I\'m intelligent, patient, friendly, have an up to date CRB check (no criminal record). I\'m a tutor at Kensington and Chelsea tutors in London and have lots of experience with psychology. I did my undergraduate degree in psychology and my post graduate degree in Neuroscience so I will definitely be able to get you up to the TOP grades by the time your resits come around. I am kind but will push you to reach your maximum ability with working out a structured timetable.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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